§ 322-16. Permit required; application; fee.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No keeper shall utilize the dog park in any manner whatsoever without first obtaining from the Office of the City Clerk a dog park permit. Application for a dog park permit shall be made on forms provided by the Office of the City Clerk. Keepers applying for a dog park permit shall present to the City Clerk the following:
    A current dog license for each dog to be admitted to the dog park;
    Proof of current rabies vaccination for each dog to be admitted to the dog park;
    Signed acceptance of risk and release of liability form;
    Proof of current, valid homeowner's or renter's insurance with liability coverage;
    Governmentally issued identification establishing that the keeper is not less than 17 years of age;
    The required fee; and
    Such other information as may be required by rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this article.
    The fee for a yearly, nontransferable dog park permit shall be $10.
    In the event that a dog park permit is lost or stolen, the replacement price shall be the full price of the dog park permit.