§ 276-26. P Pier.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings:
    Existing amusement piers upon which are permitted concession stands and booths for food and games, amusement rides and other similar uses; however, tattoo parlors and adult businesses, including, but not limited to, adult motion-picture theaters, adult bookstores, adult cabarets, adult massage parlors, and adult model studios as defined in § 110-9 of the Code of the City of North Wildwood, New Jersey, are prohibited, as are new amusement piers.
    Restaurants located on existing amusement piers, including restaurants located on existing amusement piers having a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages, as conditional uses under § 276-46.
    Existing water park facilities having a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages as conditional uses under § 276-46.
    Wireless antennas, provided that new antennas utilize co-location or are installed on existing structures.
    Accessory uses permitted:
    Signs (see § 276-26F hereinbelow and § 276-40).
    Fences and walls (see § 276-30).
    Maximum building or structure height. No building or structure height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories from the Boardwalk level except as further provided in § 276-47 of this chapter. No amusement ride shall exceed 150 feet in height from the Boardwalk level.
    Area and yard requirements. All buildings and structures located on piers on the ocean side of the Boardwalk in the City of North Wildwood shall be subject to the following:
    Said piers shall maintain an open space or aisle through the entire length of the pier, not less than 20 feet in width. If, at any point on the pier, said aisle splits into two or more aisles, at least two of the aisles shall be not less than 15 feet in width each.
    Said piers shall maintain an access to the beach on the north and south sides of the pier, with one access to be located within 50 feet of the center line of the length of the pier and the other access to be located within the middle 1/3 of the pier. The width of the two accesses shall total 20 feet; however, neither access shall be less than eight feet in width. Each access shall maintain its width until it connects with at least one open space or aisle running the entire length of the pier. Stairways from the pier to the public lands below shall be permitted.
    Said piers shall maintain, at the easterly terminus, an access from the pier to the beach at least 20 feet in width. If two or more accesses are provided, the total width of the combined accesses must be at least 20 feet, and each access shall not be less than eight feet in width. Stairways from the pier to the public lands below shall be permitted.
    Any pier which maintains a concrete water park on the easterly portion of the pier shall be required to maintain 20 feet of open space or aisle through the water park. However, if at any point through the water park said open space or aisle splits into two aisles, the total width of the combined aisles must be at least 20 feet, and each aisle shall not be less than eight feet in width. Said aisle or aisles must connect to the access or accesses leading off the easterly terminus of the pier.
    If any piers are unable to maintain said open space, aisle or aisles, access or accesses, then, in that event, that pier shall maintain a four-foot setback around the entire perimeter of the pier, i.e., no building or structure shall be located closer at any point to the pier or Boardwalk perimeter than four feet.
    General requirements.
    No merchandise, products, accessory equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed or stored outside except for amusement rides located on existing amusement piers. No use or activity associated with a use shall encroach onto the Boardwalk or obstruct pedestrian circulation on the Boardwalk.
    The expansion, extension, improvement or renovation of existing amusement piers is subject to the requirements pursuant to the New Jersey State Division of Coastal Resources, N.J.A.C. 7:7E-1.1 et seq.
    Editor's Note: The provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:7E-1.1 through 1.5 were repealed by R.2015 d.108.
    More than one principal building or structure is permitted on each pier. More than one principal use is permitted on each pier.
    All building walls facing any street, beach, Boardwalk or public area shall be suitably finished for aesthestic purposes.
    Each use shall provide for its own garbage, recycling and unloading needs, the location and design of which shall be considered at the time of site plan review and shall be subject to Board approval. All solid waste not stored within a building shall be stored within a closed container.
    Perimeters of any Boardwalk section or a pier not enjoined or abutting a structure and remaining open shall be enclosed by fencing with a railing four feet in height, with spaces between vertical spindles or not more than five inches, or chain-link fence at least four feet in height.
    Each individual use may have one sign attached to a building or structure not exceeding an area equivalent to 25 feet. Additionally, each individual pier may have one freestanding sign identifying the name of the pier, not exceeding 50 square feet in area or 25 feet in height.
    See § 276-40 for additional standards.