§ 276-30. Fences, walls and sight triangles.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    All permitted fences shall be situated on a lot in such a manner that the finished side of the fence shall face adjacent properties. All poles, posts, etc., shall be erected on the inside of the fence. No fence shall be erected of barbed wire, broken glass, topped with metal spikes, nor constructed of any material or in any manner which may be dangerous to persons or animals.
    All fences shall be constructed and maintained to withstand a wind load of no less than 15 pounds per square foot. Construction materials may be of wood board (picket or panel), metal chainlink fabric, picket or bent selvage on tip, or concrete panel; but shall not be solid concrete or concrete block. All materials shall be treated against infestation and corrosion.
    All fences shall be symmetrical in appearance, with posts separated by identical distances, with the fencing conforming to a definite pattern and uniform design. Fences shall be kept in good repair, shall be regularly painted, and shall be maintained in a clean condition.
    On any lot in any district, no wall or fence shall be erected or altered so that said wall or fence shall be over four feet in height in front yards, five feet in height in side yards, and six feet in height in rear yards with the following provisions:
    A dog run may have fencing a maximum of six feet in height, provided such area is located in rear yards only and is set back from any lot line the distance required for accessory buildings in the zoning district as stipulated in Article IV.
    A private residential swimming pool area must be surrounded by a fence at least four feet, but no more than six feet in height. Swimming pool areas shall be located in side and rear yards only. See § 276-42 for additional standards.
    A tennis court area, located in rear yards only, may be surrounded by a fence a maximum of 15 feet in height; said fence to be set back from any lot line the distance required for accessory buildings in the zoning district as stipulated in Article IV.
    Schools, playgrounds and parks in any district and commercial and industrial uses may erect security fences to control ingress and egress to all or part of the lot. Said fence shall be no more than 10 feet in height and constructed with a ratio of the open portion to the solid portion being not less than 6:1.
    Retaining walls shall be permitted provided they are located up to and inside of existing property lines, and they will be permitted to be a maximum of two feet high from grade. Any retaining walls which are proposed to be higher than two feet from grade will require variance relief from the Planning Board. Any visible side of a retaining wall which fronts a public street must incorporate decorative features such as stucco, brickface or a similar finished surface in order to improve the aesthetic appearance of said retaining wall. Retaining walls must be set back a minimum of six feet from the public right-of-way, and in the event a property owner elects to construct/incorporate a fence above the proposed retaining wall the height of the combined structure must conform to current maximum fence heights as set forth within § 276-30D.
    Sight triangle areas shall be required at intersections and driveways entering public streets, in addition to the specified right-of-way widths, in which no grading, planting or structure shall be erected or maintained more than 30 inches above the street center line, except for utility poles, street signs, fire hydrants and light standards. The "sight triangle" is defined as that area outside of the curb line and the straight line connecting sight points, one located on each curbline or driveway center line at a distance of 25 feet or one foot for each mile of allowed street speed limit, whichever is greater, or 15 feet along the center line of a driveway. Sight triangle easements shall be required for any new development and such easement dedication shall be expressed on the plat or plan as follows: "Sight triangle easement deeded for purposes provided for and expressed in the Land Development Ordinance of the City of North Wildwood."