Chapter 142. Billboards and Advertising  

§ 142-1. Advertising structures prohibited; exception.
§ 142-2. Advertisements.
§ 142-3. Structure requirements.
§ 142-4. Removal of unauthorized structures.
§ 142-5. Permit required; applications; certificates.
§ 142-6. Violations and penalties.
HISTORY: Adopted by the North Wildwood City Council 8-16-1924 by Ord. No. 195


Signs on Boardwalk — See Ch. 150, § 150-4.
Sign permit fee — See Ch. 200, § 200-7.
Handbills — See Ch. 260.
Signs in parks — See Ch. 322, § 322-4S.
Aerial display of advertising — See Ch. 326, § 326-8.
Rental property signs - See Ch. 344, § 344-12.
Shopping cart removal signs — See Ch. 364.
Street signs — See Ch. 382, Art. VI.
Official towing signs — See Ch. 410.