§ 142-5. Permit required; applications; certificates.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Before any billboard, sign or structure for advertising purposes shall be erected, applications for a permit therefor must be made to the Building Inspector of the City of North Wildwood on a blank form prepared and furnished by the city. Such application shall give the name and post office address of the applicant, the location or proposed location of the billboard, the name of the owner of the land and such other information as the Building Inspector may require to locate such billboard and to show a compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
    Such application, if for the construction, alteration, relocation, refacing or reconstruction of a billboard, shall be accompanied by such plans and specifications as are necessary to fully advise and acquaint the Building Inspector with the location, construction, size and materials to be used and weight of such billboard, or such proposed alterations or repairs. In the case of a billboard illuminated by electricity or gas, a certificate must also be procured from the Electrical Inspector, and filed with the Building Inspector, certifying that the electric wiring and all lighting appliances of the proposed structure are in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Board of Underwriters.
    If the plans and specifications accompanying such application shall be or any inspection by the Building Inspector of any existing billboard shows that such billboard or structure is in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the Building Inspector may in his discretion issue a permit for the erection, alteration, repair, maintenance or use of such billboards, provided that before such permit may issue a copy of the consent of the owner of the lands whereon said billboard is to be erected and maintained shall be exhibited to said Building Inspector, and provided also that the permit fee for such issuance shall be $1, to be paid on or before the issuance of such permit.