§ 276-22.1. NWM North Wildwood Marina.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Purpose statement.
    The purpose of the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District is to replace the current Bayside-Business (BB) Zoning District in and around the City's bayside boat launching ramp and parking facilities situate on Block 154 and adjacent to the North Wildwood Marina site on Block 152, and to more effectively provide for an appropriate mix of water-dependent and water-oriented uses designed to maximize the use of the City's bayside waterfront, including vertical development, and to enhance the opportunities for economic development in the form of new and expanded housing, dining and recreational facilities in the City as part of the City's comprehensive development scheme.
    The North Wildwood Urban Enterprise Zone Plan pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27H-60 et seq. (the UEZ Law) shall continue and not be affected by the creation of the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District and its replacement of the current Bayside-Business (BB) Zoning District. In addition, a portion of consolidated Block 152 constitutes an area in need of redevelopment and overlay zone pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (the Local Redevelopment Law). The City adopted its Redevelopment Plan for Block 152 on May 7, 1996, pursuant to City Ordinance No. 1231 to authorize development of affordable senior citizen multifamily housing ("redevelopment project"). Thereafter, in furtherance of a restructuring and rehabilitation plan for the redevelopment project approved by the New Jersey Super Court, Chancery Division, in Manufacturers and Traders Trust Co. v. Marina Bay Towers Urban Renewal, L.P. (Docket No. CPM-F-04999-14) ("M&T Matter") and the attendant public purposes, interests and benefits discussed by the Court in the M&T Matter, which include, among other things, the restoration of the maximum number of affordable dwelling units determined by the Court to be feasible (the "restructuring plan"), the City took action pursuant to City Ordinances Nos. 1803 and 1804, respectively, to amend the 1996 Redevelopment Plan ("amended redevelopment plan") in connection with the redevelopment project, as well as the adjacent existing marina and restaurant structures and infrastructure (collectively, the "Phase I project" as more particularly set forth in the amended redevelopment plan) and the financial agreement for payment in lieu of taxes ("first amendment to financial agreement") to facilitate the restructuring plan and resolve litigation between the City and property ownership interests. In addition, the City has adopted Ordinance No. 1807, partially vacating Fifth Avenue and New York Avenue at the north and northeastern perimeter of Block 152 to enhance the new district's ability to be more flexibly and efficiently developed. In the event of any conflict between this section and the amended redevelopment plan with respect to development and implementation of the Phase I project pursuant to the amended redevelopment plan, the amended redevelopment plan shall control. In adopting this section and the associated ordinances referenced hereinabove, the City recognizes and accepts the public purpose found by the Chancery Division and affirmed by the Appellate Division in the M&T Matter in restoring and maximizing the number of affordable housing units in the restructuring plan which is now final. In particular, the Chancery Division judge observed there was a "vital public interest" involved in providing affordable senior housing, and believed that any further delay of the case was "against [the] public policy of the State." (App. Div. Opinion in the M&T Matter, page 28.) In addition, the Court found that a "strong public interest" is at risk of deprivation to all concerned, and authorized the restructuring plan; the Appellate Division noted that the Chancery Court in ordering the restructuring plan appropriately exercised its equitable powers "with the express goal of maximizing the amount of affordable units available . . . [and] to better effectuate the important goal of re-establishing a vital housing resource and to ensure the greatest number of affordable units are preserved". (Memorandum of Decision in the M&T Matter, page 40; App. Div. Opinion, pages 68-69.) This section and associated ordinances are being adopted for, among other municipal planning objectives, the purposes of settling and resolving long-standing litigation with the ownership interests, which resolution is designed to enhance the feasibility and more cost effective and efficient implementation of the restructuring plan that the Court deemed a vital public interest, without further delay.
    In October 2018, the City adopted its most recent Master Plan Reexamination Report which continued the City's policy to review and revise land use ordinances to encourage and implement the City's policy of balancing of economic development and the changing demands of the tourist economy with the need to maintain the City of North Wildwood as a premier shore resort destination as well as a year-round community. Those policies include the establishment, within the Land Use Plan and Land Development Ordinance, appropriate locations and standards for encouraging: vertical development including modifying the Land Use Plan and Land Development Ordinance consistent with the direction recommended by NJDEP as a basis for permitted vertical development in the City thereby maximizing the City's ratable base and providing for long-term tax stability; improve the marina area by improving public access with expanded waterfront walkways in connection with the private North Wildwood Marina complex neighboring the City's boat launch ramp and parking facilities on Block 154 which is zoned ROSE Recreation. In addition to the reasons set forth above herein, it is the goal that the creation of the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District be in furtherance and implementation of these objectives.
    In addition to the regulations established herein, the expansion, extension, improvement or renovation of structures and properties of the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District may be subject to the requirements of the Coastal Area Review Act (N.J.A.C. 7:7E-1.1 et seq.) (CAFRA) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Waterfront Development Regulations, as well as other relevant regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction over lands within the boundary of tidal waters.
    Editor's Note: The provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:7E-1.1 through 1.5 were repealed by R.2015 d.108.
    The zone boundary lines for the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District are to be modified to reflect current parcel geometry.
    Principal permitted uses and structures on the land and in buildings:
    Water-dependent uses (as defined in § 276-7).
    Development that cannot physically function without direct access to the body of water along which it is proposed. Uses, or portions of uses, that can function on sites not adjacent to the water are not considered water-dependent, regardless of the economic advantages that may be gained from a waterfront location. Maritime activity, commercial fishing, public waterfront recreation and marinas are examples of water-dependent uses, but only the portion of the development requiring direct access to the water is water-dependent. The test for water dependency shall assess both the need of the proposed use for access to the water and the capacity of the proposed water body to satisfy the requirements and absorb the impacts of the proposed use. A proposed use will not be considered water-dependent if either the use can function away from the water or if the water body proposed is unsuitable for the use. For example, in a maritime operation, a dock or quay and associated unloading area would be water-dependent, but an associated warehouse would not be water-dependent.
    Examples of water-dependent uses include, but are not limited to, docks; piers; marina activities requiring access to the water, such as launching, commissioning or decommissioning of new and/or used boats and/or watercraft; boat storage/repair; automobile parking for persons participating in a water-dependent activity; port activities requiring the loading and unloading of boats; residential uses limited to vessels designed and manufactured for such purpose, registered as a vessel by the State of New Jersey, provided that such vessels are able to navigate under their own power or by sail and are connected to municipal or otherwise approved water and sanitary infrastructure (portable sanitary facilities are expressly prohibited in meeting this test); and water-borne recreational activities.
    Examples of uses which are not water-dependent include, but are not limited to, land-based housing; hotels and motels; warehousing; manufacturing facilities; automobile parking for persons not participating in a water-dependent activity; and non-water-borne recreational activities.
    Watercraft sales and rentals and ancillary uses commonly associated with such use.
    Water-oriented uses (see § 276-7 for definition) as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67, provided that the following conditional use facilities take full advantage of any waterfront location:
    Hotels and motels (see § 276-7 for definition) [NOTE: This use qualifies to apply for a liquor license pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 33:1-12.20 provided that the statutory requirements are met.]
    Eating and drinking establishments, including restaurants and specialty food outlets (including those with window service for take-out fare), but excluding drive-in or fast-food restaurants.
    Bars (defined as an establishment serving alcoholic beverages, but not food) and taverns (defined as an establishment serving alcoholic beverages and cooked-to-order food which is prepared and served on the premises).
    Specialized entertainment venues, such as theaters, arenas, amphitheaters, aquariums, museums (cultural or popular), and other like and similar attractions.
    Public utilities' central substations (see § 276-7 for definition), subject to the following:
    The proposed installation in a specific location must be necessary for the satisfactory provision of service by the utility to the neighborhood or area in which the particular use is located;
    The design of any structure in connection with such facility must not adversely affect the safe, comfortable enjoyment of property rights in the surrounding area;
    Adequate fencing and other safety devices shall be provided and shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and/or other applicable codes. Barbed-wire-topped fences or similar trespassing-deterrent devices are expressly discouraged; and
    Off-street parking shall be provided as determined by the needs of the facility unless otherwise regulated herein or pursuant to the amended redevelopment plan as applicable by its terms and provisions.
    Age-restricted and non-age-restricted housing (see § 276-7 for definition).
    New construction.
    New detached single-family dwelling units, single-family semidetached (duplex) dwelling units, and two-family stacked (multistory) dwelling units will be permitted subject to the following area, yard, height and off-street parking standards:
    Area and yard requirements.
    Detached Single-Family Dwellings
    Single-Family Semidetached (Duplex); Two-Family Stacked (Multistory)
    Principal building, minimum
    Lot area
    4,000 square feet
    6,000 square feet
    Lot frontage
    40 feet
    60 feet
    Lot width
    40 feet
    60 feet
    Lot depth
    100 feet
    100 feet
    Side yard (each)
    6 feet
    10 feet
    Front yard
    10 feet
    10 feet
    Rear yard
    10 feet
    10 feet
    Maximum building coverage (all buildings)
    Maximum impervious lot coverage (all buildings and impermeable surfaces)
    Accessory building, minimum
    Distance to side line
    4 feet
    4 feet
    Distance to rear line
    4 feet
    4 feet
    Distance to other building
    8 feet
    8 feet
    Existing stairs and porches may be replaced with identical stairs and porches regardless of the setback requirements of the district in which the subject property is located. For new construction/reconstruction of open porches, stairs and/or steps, they must meet applicable zoning requirements and shall require a zoning and/or construction permit where required, as applicable, in order to permit construction in this regard.
    Eaves, cornices or overhangs more than 10 feet above lot grade may project into yard setback areas a maximum of 24 inches. In order to create an aesthetically pleasing building facade along the side of a building which fronts a street, bay windows or other architectural detailing more than 10 feet above lot grade may extend into the front yard setback a maximum of 24 inches.
    Maximum building height. No building height shall exceed 36 feet, or three stories, whichever is less, in height from the base flood elevation (BFE), except as allowed as follows:
    Height limits. The following structures may be erected above the heights prescribed by this chapter, but in no case shall the height of any of these appurtenances exceed a height equal to 10% more than the maximum height permitted for the particular use in the zoning district:
    Mechanical rooms and other roof structures for the housing of stairways, tanks, ventilating fans, HVAC equipment or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building.
    Skylights, spires, cupolas, flagpoles, chimneys or similar structures.
    Safety enclosures of rooftop areas of hotels and motels used for sundecks and other recreational purposes.
    Cellular telephone antennas and/or associated equipment are expressly excluded from this provision.
    Minimum off-street parking. Each individual use shall provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
    Dwelling units described in this chapter shall provide parking spaces in accordance with the standards established by the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) (N.J.S.A. 5:21-1 et seq.). RSIS standards include parking requirements for residential uses based on unit (bedroom) size. If the applicant/developer does not specify the number of bedrooms per dwelling unit, then each dwelling unit shall be subject to the RSIS parking space requirements for a four-bedroom dwelling unit.
    Places of worship shall provide one space per every three permanent seats. (One seat shall be considered 22 inches in calculating the capacity of pews or benches).
    See § 276-35, Off-street parking, loading areas and driveways, for additional standards.
    New multifamily dwelling unit high-rise and/or hotel high-rise construction situated on the northern portion of consolidated Block 152 Lot 1 fronting New York Avenue, as delineated on the schedule below (the "Phase II Development Area"), will be permitted subject to the following area, yard, height and off-street parking standards: [NOTE: Block 152 Lot 1. All site applications and reviews shall include the entire Block 152 Lot 1 site as a denominator for all civil engineering/planning purposes and for the calculation of bulk and dimensional allowances permitted by this district.]
    Area and yard requirements.
    Multifamily High-Rise Dwellings and/or Hotel Northern Portion of Block 152 Fronting New York Avenue
    Principal building, minimum
    Lot area
    6,000 square feet
    Lot frontage
    60 feet
    Lot width
    60 feet
    Lot depth
    150 feet
    Side yard (each)
    0 feet
    Front yard
    0 feet
    Rear yard
    Maximum building coverage (all buildings)
    No Maximum
    Maximum impervious lot coverage (principal buildings)
    Maximum number of dwelling units
    No Maximum
    Accessory building, minimum
    Distance to side line
    4 feet
    Distance to rear line
    0 feet
    Distance to other building
    0 feet
    Maximum building height and density height from base flood elevation (BFE)
    200 feet
    Number of dwelling units or hotel rooms use occupied floors (parking facilities excluded)
    12 occupied floors
    Off-street parking, multifamily high-rise only
    Efficiency unit
    0.5 spaces per unit
    One-bedroom unit
    0.6 spaces per unit
    Two-bedroom unit
    1.3 spaces per unit
    Three-bedroom unit
    1.9 spaces per unit
    Four-bedroom unit
    2.0 spaces per unit
    Block 152 Lot 1. All site applications and reviews shall include the entire Block 152 Lot 1 site as a denominator for all civil engineering/planning purposes and for the calculation of bulk and dimensional allowances permitted by this district.
    Height limits for rooftop uses. The following structures may be erected above the heights prescribed in this Subsection B(5)(b)[1] above: (i) Mechanical rooms and other roof structures for access and the housing of stairways, elevators, recreational facilities, tanks, ventilating fans, HVAC equipment, cellular telephone antennas and/or associated equipment or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building; (ii) skylights, spires, cupolas, flagpoles, signage, pursuant to City Code § 276-40, chimneys or similar structures; and (iii) safety enclosures of rooftop areas of condominium/apartment buildings, restaurants, hotels and motels used for sundecks, swimming pools and other commercial, community, congregate, tourism or recreational amenities and purposes; but in no case shall the height of any of these appurtenances exceed a height equal to 15% more than the maximum height permitted for the particular use in the district.
    These parking requirements apply to dwellings to which the RSIS is inapplicable. In the event development in the Phase II development area incorporates a hotel/motel lodging use, the following parking standards shall apply notwithstanding any inapplicability of RSIS to such use:
    1.0 parking space(s)
    1.3 parking spaces
    1.9 parking spaces
    In the event that after the Phase II development area obtains site plan approval a change to another permitted use is sought, the property owner shall be required to obtain site plan approval for such change of use pursuant to § 276-63(b)(1).
    See § 276-35, Off-street parking, loading areas and driveways, for additional standards.
    Wireless antennas, provided that new antennas utilize co-location or are installed on existing structures.
    Club facilities and institutional uses.
    Accessory uses permitted:
    Off-street parking.
    Fences and walls.
    Off-street parking and private garages [see § 276-22.1G herein below and § 276-35, Off-street parking, loading areas and driveways]. Detached garages to the principal structure shall require the front of the garage to be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the front facade of the principal structure, not exceeding 15 feet in height, and altogether not exceeding 400 square feet in gross floor area.
    Satellite dish antennas. All satellite dish antennas shall be no larger than eight feet in diameter, located on the principal structure, or as an accessory structure meeting accessory structure yard requirements stated below and located in the rear yard. For all practical purposes, satellite dish antennas shall not be seen from the front facade of the building or the street.
    Recreational facilities, including, without limitation, swimming pools, as are usual and customary to a permitted principal use.
    Temporary construction trailers and one sign not exceeding 100 square feet advertising the prime contractor, subcontractor(s), architect, financing institution and similar data for the period of construction, beginning with the issuance of a construction permit and concluding with the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or one year, whichever is less, provided said trailer(s) and sign are on the site where construction is taking place and set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot lines.
    For lots which abut the City's canals or bayside waterways, boat slips for the tie-up of private boats owned and/or used by the residents of the premises and/or rented to other private individuals on a contractual basis. All boats shall be licensed as required with the appropriate agencies.
    Public utility cabinet(s) not exceeding three feet in height, with adequate landscaping screening as necessary and not located in sight triangle easements at street corner intersections. It is recommended that public utility cabinet(s) be located underground in watertight vaults. Suggested plant species are referenced in Appendix A.
    Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the City offices.
    Air-conditioning/HVAC compressor units and emergency electrical generators are not permitted in the front yard of any principal structure and/or lot. Air-conditioning/HVAC compressor units and emergency electrical generators are not permitted in the front 50% of a side yard setback; and as to any such equipment that is located in a side yard setback, it shall be screened so as to not be visible from any street or adjoining property when viewed from ground level. Temporary (i.e., removable) window air-conditioning units and temporary ductless air-conditioning/HVAC compressor units that do not project more than one foot beyond the existing structure are permitted when incorporated into an existing building by way of renovation. Replacement of in-kind units, without any increase in footprint size, located in the setback area prior to the adoption of this section are exempt from this regulation.
    Solar energy systems (see Article XII).
    Christmas tree sales. The annual sale of Christmas trees is permitted between December 1 and December 25, inclusive.
    Public election voting places. The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed as to interfere with the temporary use of any property as a voting place in connection with a municipal or other public election.
    Outdoor dining areas with tables on the water's edge of the property and/or boardwalk or sidewalk in front of or on the side of the non-automobile-oriented restaurants and specialty food outlets premises is permitted. Outdoor dining areas shall take place on site but not be located in the public sidewalk and/or public/street right-of-way for permitted uses, unless approved by Mayor and Council. Outside tables and seats may be situated outside of the building on the parcel/lot, or on elevated and/or floating docks, but not in the public/street right-of-way, unless approved by Mayor and Council. No operation of a business in the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District shall be located in such a way that less than five feet of paved sidewalk remains for the exclusive use of the traveled way for pedestrians, nor shall any such operation of the business or outside tables and seats project or protrude into, on or above the required five-foot-wide pedestrian passageway.
    The hours of operation of outdoor dining areas shall be limited to the hours of operation of the associated restaurant. In no event shall hours of operation go past 2:00 a.m.
    Outdoor dining is defined as any part of a food establishment located outdoors. See also § 276-22G. Outdoor dining in locations located in the public sidewalk and/or public/street right-of-way is permitted subject to the exclusive approval of the Mayor and Council. The inclusion of outdoor dining will not require any additional parking based upon the number of permitted tables and/or permitted seats.
    Parklets shall be permitted in locations subject to the exclusive approval of the Mayor and Council.
    Adequate lighting shall be provided to promote safe passage of pedestrians and for patrons.
    Awnings and/or umbrellas may be used in conjunction with the outdoor dining areas. Awnings shall be adequately secured. Awnings, including supporting structures, must be within the property line. The bottom of the awning shall be seven feet from the ground.
    Dockage for recreational boats is permitted, where legally part and parcel to the property. Adequate staff to assist in docking is required. Adequate dockage security is needed for eating, drinking establishments and bars to screen patrons below the minimum alcoholic beverage age entering the establishment from waterside dockage.
    Maximum building height. Except hotels and motels regulated pursuant to Subsection B(5)(b) of this section, hotels and motels are permitted to a maximum building height of 65 feet from the base flood elevation (BFE) or six stories, whichever is less. No other permitted use shall have a building height that shall exceed 36 feet in height from the BFE or three stories, whichever is less, except as follows:
    The following structures may be erected above the heights prescribed by this chapter, but in no case shall the height of any of these appurtenances exceed a height equal to 10% more than the maximum height permitted for the particular use in the zoning district:
    Mechanical rooms and other roof structures for the housing of stairways, tanks, ventilating fans, HVAC equipment or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building.
    Skylights, spires, cupolas, flagpoles, chimneys or similar structures.
    Safety enclosures of rooftop areas of hotels and motels used for sundecks and other recreational purposes.
    Cellular telephone antennas and/or associated equipment are expressly excluded from this provision.
    Applicable area and yard requirements except if otherwise regulated pursuant to the amended redevelopment plan or standards provided pursuant to Subsection B(5)(b) of this section.
    Principal buildings, minimum
    Lot area
    3,000 square feet
    Lot frontage
    30 feet
    Lot width
    30 feet
    Lot depth
    100 feet
    Side yard (each)
    6 feet
    Front yard
    10 feet
    Rear yard
    15 feet
    Maximum coverage of principal building
    Maximum lot (impervious) coverage
    Accessory building, minimum
    Distance to side line
    4 feet
    Distance to rear line
    4 feet
    Distance to other building
    4 feet
    Floor area ratio
    No building or addition constructed thereon shall be constructed under this subsection on a lot less than 30 feet wide without variance relief.
    General requirements.
    Any principal building may contain more than one permitted use and/or organization, provided that the total building coverage of the combined activities does not exceed the maximum building coverage specified for the district and, further, that any building shall have a maximum of three permitted uses within it, and that each activity occupies a minimum gross floor area of 750 square feet for individual uses.
    Merchandise, products, equipment or similar materials or objects can be displayed or stored outside so long as the merchandise, products, equipment or similar materials or objects shall be located/installed in such a manner that they do not interfere with or are not located in the sidewalk and/or sidewalk area to prevent free travel of pedestrians.
    All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles, driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings and maintained in good condition. Suggested plant species are referenced in Appendix A.
    Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the City offices.
    The conditional uses in the North Wildwood Marina District shall be subject to review by the Planning Board for a determination of the appropriateness of the proposed use as it relates to existing adjoining uses and the community at large.
    No use creating a nuisance as determined by the City under applicable codes and regulations shall be permitted.
    Air-conditioning/HVAC compressor units and emergency electrical generators are not permitted in the front yard of any principal structure and/or lot. Air-conditioning/HVAC compressor units and emergency electrical generators are not permitted in the front 50% of a side yard setback; and as to any such equipment that is located in a side yard setback, it shall be screened so as to not be visible from any street or adjoining property when viewed from ground level. Temporary (i.e., removable) window air-conditioning units and temporary ductless air-conditioning/HVAC compressor units that do not project more than one foot beyond the existing structure are permitted when incorporated into an existing building by way of renovation. Replacement of in-kind units, without any increase in footprint size, located in the setback area prior to the adoption of this section are exempt from this regulation.
    Landscaping shall be provided in the front yard area and shall be reasonably distributed throughout the entire front yard area. Suggested plant species are referenced in Appendix A.
    Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the City offices.
    Bicycle racks shall be located on the business site, with a minimum capacity of seven bicycles. No locking mechanisms need to be provided. The racks shall be located/installed in such a manner that they do not interfere with or are not located in the public/street right-of-way and/or sidewalk area.
    Minimum off-street parking. Unless otherwise regulated pursuant to the amended redevelopment plan or pursuant to Subsection B(5)(b) hereof, each individual use shall provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted use of land includes different specific activities with different specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking spaces shall be obtained by individually computing the parking requirements for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together.
    Water-dependent uses, watercraft sales and rentals and ancillary uses shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
    Hotels and motels shall provide parking spaces as follows:
    Parking spaces required
    Eating and drinking establishments, including restaurants and specialty food outlets, bars and taverns shall provide a minimum of one space for every four seats, but in all cases a sufficient number of spaces to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways, fire lanes and aisles.
    Water-dependent uses and any other permitted uses shall provide parking as determined during site plan review.
    Outdoor seating/dining areas intended for use during spring, summer and autumn months shall not be considered when calculating the number of parking spaces required by this subsection.
    Unless otherwise provided herein or inapplicable, all residential dwelling units described in this chapter shall provide parking spaces in accordance with the standards established by the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) (N.J.S.A. 5:21-1 et seq.). RSIS standards include parking requirements for residential uses based on unit (bedroom) size. If the applicant/developer does not specify the number of bedrooms per dwelling unit, then each dwelling unit shall be subject to the RSIS parking space requirements for a four-bedroom dwelling unit.
    See § 276-35 for additional standards.
    Permitted signs.
    Except for any high-rise development permitted pursuant to this zoning district regulation, each individual use in an individual building may have one primary sign attached to the building not exceeding an area equivalent to 10% of the first-floor portion of the front facade or 100 square feet, whichever is smaller. Each individual use may have one freestanding sign along each road on which the tract in question abuts. Such sign shall not exceed a height of 25 feet, shall be set back from the street rights-of-way and driveways at least five feet, or shall be set back from any property line a minimum of five feet, shall not exceed an area of 200 square feet, and shall be used only to display the individual activity name. Where an individual activity has direct access from the outside, a sign not exceeding four square feet identifying the name of the activity may also be attached to the building at the entrance to the activity. High-rise buildings developed in the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District may have one primary sign not to exceed 70 feet in height and 50 feet in width, and shall not exceed an area of 3,500 square feet; the details of such sign are required to be provided during site plan review.
    Bars and taverns in an individual building may have one primary sign attached to the building not exceeding an area equivalent to 10% of the first-floor portion of the front facade or 100 square feet, whichever is smaller. Each individual use may have one freestanding sign along each road on which the tract in question abuts. Such sign shall not exceed a height of 30 feet, shall be set back from the street rights-of-way and driveways at least five feet, or shall be set back from any property line a minimum of five feet, shall not exceed an area of 300 square feet, and shall be used only to display the individual activity name. Where an individual activity has direct access from the outside, a sign not exceeding eight square feet identifying the name of the activity may also be attached to the building at the entrance to the activity. Eating and drinking establishments, including restaurants and specialty food outlets, and bars and taverns shall have a total maximum of 1,000 square feet of signage on the property.
    "Open for business" window signs, if located in a storefront window, shall be excluded from the overall sign calculations as long as the sign does not exceed 10 square feet in area. Signs, typically the A-frame/sandwich-board style, ancillary to the permitted use shall be permitted on the sidewalk area, at the curb or against the building wall. The sign shall not exceed four square feet, identifying the name of the location, exclusive of the cumulative sign square feet requirement. No operation of a business in the North Wildwood Marina Zoning District shall be located in such a way that less than five feet of paved sidewalk remains for the exclusive use of the traveled way for pedestrians, nor shall any such operation of the business or outside tables and seats project or protrude into, on or above the required five-foot-wide pedestrian passageway. Signs in this style shall be a maximum of eight square feet. All signs as permitted by this subsection must be removed when the business is closed for operation. On corner properties/street intersections, no handicapped sidewalk curbs ramps shall be blocked by said signs.
    Temporary sign banners, such as "clearance," "sale," "end of year," etc., are permitted to be attached to the building facade so long as the banner is not posted for more than 10 calendar days.
    All signs on one property shall conform in character with all other signs in the complex and shall blend with the overall architectural scheme of the property.
    All exterior signs shall identify uses, activities or functions of the development on which the sign is located. No advertising of any product, use or activity outside of the development is permitted.
    Signage for similar project elements on one property shall be coordinated and similarly themed to provide a unifying style. All signs for individual uses shall conform in character with all other signs on the property. This regulation shall not be construed to mean that all signs must be identical or to prohibit unique sign designs where necessary and appropriate, but rather that, absent specific justification (i.e., branding/theme-ing requirements for themed retail outlets or food and beverage outlets), sign design shall be complementary and consistent.
    No vacant signs or sign boxes shall be permitted. Where vacancies occur, corresponding signage shall be immediately replaced with general development or other appropriate signage. Similarly, any sign which falls into a state of disrepair shall immediately be repaired or replaced.
    All signs must be professionally designed and constructed. Homemade-type plywood, coroplast or cardboard signs or home-computer-generated-type signs are expressly prohibited.
    Sign lighting shall be appropriate for the type and style of sign proposed and may include LED, neon or other illumination. Similarly, the use of neon lighting or similar material to create sculptural logo or iconographic images is encouraged.
    See § 276-40 for additional standards.
    Minimum off-street loading; trash and garbage locations.
    The need for, location and design of off-street loading and unloading areas shall be considered and determined at the time of site plan review. Off-street loading and unloading areas shall take place on site but not in the public street right-of-way, except for multifamily and hotel high-rises, for which off-street loading and unloading shall be permitted, and the details of the loading and unloading areas shall be provided as part of site plan review.
    The need for, location and design of trash and garbage locations shall be considered and determined at the time of site plan review. Recycling, trash and garbage loading and unloading areas shall take place on site but not in the public street right-of-way, except for multifamily or hotel high-rises which shall be permitted to have loading and unloading of trash, garbage and recyclables in the public street right-of-way provided storage area(s) are screened or located inside of a building and shall be designed for truck access for pickup of materials, and the details of the trash and garbage locations shall be provided as part of site plan review.
    Each use must include provisions for the collection, disposition and recycling of recyclable materials, including newspapers, leaves, white high-grade paper, glass bottles and jars, aluminum, corrugated cardboard, and tin and bimetal cans. The amount of recyclable material generated weekly by each use shall be quantified and reviewed during site plan review to determine whether the storage area to contain a week's accumulation of recyclable material is adequate in size and location. The storage area shall be designed for truck access for pickup of materials and be suitably screened from view if located outside a building.
    Recycling, trash and garbage loading and unloading areas shall be marked with yellow cross-striping pavement markings and marked with signage and as "No Parking or Standing Zones" if adjacent to automobile traffic or parking areas.
Added 4-7-2020 by Ord. No. 1805