§ 276-14.3. ROSE Recreation, Open Space and Education.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Purpose statement. The Recreation, Open Space and Education (ROSE) Zoning District is intended to provide for diverse active and passive recreation activities, preserve open space and host a variety of educational facilities for people of varied age groups and abilities. The 2010 Comprehensive Master Plan recognized the development pressures facing the City of North Wildwood and the risk that such pressures place on the City's recreation, open space and educational facilities and recommended the creation of a new ROSE zoning classification for these valuable assets.
    Conditional uses permitted. All uses and structures in the Recreation, Open Space and Education Zoning District shall be considered conditional structures and uses and shall be subject to approval by the Planning Board.
    Permitted conditional uses:
    Passive or active public open space, including public parks, public conservation areas, playgrounds, athletic fields and public purpose buildings and uses.
    Indoor public recreation facilities owned and operated by the City of North Wildwood.
    Places of worship which consist of commonly known, recognized and long-established sects or denominations.
    A nonprofit IRS-certified 501(c)(3) institution.
    Traditional public, private and parochial schools, serving grades Pre-K through 12, under the authority of the New Jersey Department of Education and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board.
    Structures and uses related to the preservation and interpretation of the historic Hereford Lighthouse and adjacent Hereford Inlet Lifesaving Station and/or present use as a New Jersey Marine State Police Station.
    Parking and ancillary uses normal and customary to such uses.
    Municipal storage facilities attendant to such uses.
    Wireless antennas provided that new antennas utilize co-location or are installed on existing structures.
    Permitted conditional accessory structures:
    Public utility cabinet(s) not exceeding three feet in height, with adequate landscaping screening as necessary, and not located in sight triangle easements at street corner intersections. It is recommended that public utility cabinet(s) be located underground in watertight vaults.
    Handicapped access to structures. A ramp to provide handicapped access to structures may encroach into the front, side or rear yard required for the permitted conditional use in the zoning district in which it is located, provided:
    The intrusion shall be into the front yard only if it is impossible to provide handicapped access to the side or rear of the residential premises.
    A handicapped person resides or will reside in the dwelling.
    The intrusion into the front, side or rear yard shall permitted to extend directly to the property line.
    The applicant for handicapped access ramp approval shall demonstrate to the Zoning Officer that there is no other way than that proposed to construct a handicapped ramp so as not to protrude into the front, side or rear yard.
    The ramp shall be constructed so as to comply with all applicable construction standards as to size, slope and other details.
    Public utility lines for the transportation, distribution, or control of water, electricity, gas, oil, steam, CATV and telephone communications, and their supporting members, other than buildings or structures, shall not be required to be located on a lot, nor shall this chapter be interpreted as to prohibit the use of a property in any zone for the above uses. All public utility lines shall be located in the utility strip if paralleling the street and shall be installed underground as practical as possible.
    Signs (see § 276-40, requirements for signs).
    Solar energy systems (see §§ 276-76 through 276-83).
    Area and yard requirements for permitted conditional uses and accessory structures.
    Other than maximum building height, which shall be a maximum of one story not to exceed 15 feet from the base flood elevation (BFE) (except for bleachers, lighting or observation structures, which shall be of a minimum height required to accomplish the desired function), no building controls are established for the ROSE Zoning District. All development shall be subject to conditional site plan review and approval. Lot requirements shall be appropriate for the development proposed and shall take into consideration appropriate setback, parking, landscaping, public space and ancillary uses.
    The above notwithstanding, bulk requirements for structures and uses required to support the mission of the historic Hereford Lighthouse and Hereford Inlet Lifesaving Station shall be consistent with the adopted period of interpretation for each of these facilities and conform to the United States Secretary of the Interior's standards for such structures as well as the New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act (N.J.S.A. 13:1B-15.128 et seq.).
    Minimum off-street parking. Each individual conditional use listed hereinbelow shall provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
    Places of worship shall provide one space per every three permanent seats. (One seat shall be considered 22 inches in calculating the capacity of pews or benches.)
    Places of worship and schools: one freestanding sign not exceeding 15 square feet in area, 10 feet in height and set back at least five feet from all street and property lines, plus one attached sign not exceeding 25 square feet.
    See § 276-40 (requirements for signs) for additional standards.