§ 420-17. Rules and regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Licensees. The following rules and regulations shall be applicable to all licensees:
    Driver's license requirement. No license to own or operate any jitney shall be granted to any person who is not a licensed driver in the State of New Jersey or any other state of the United States.
    Conviction of a crime. Where a licensee has been convicted of a crime in any city, county, state or federal court, upon conviction of a crime in any of those courts, the licensing clerk may revoke the license of the jitney owner-operator upon notice and hearing.
    Misconduct. The licensing clerk, the Chief of Police and the Code Enforcement Official, or their designee, shall take official cognizance of any and all misconduct, deceit, fraud, subterfuge or actions of any jitney licensee which are against the best interest of the public or the jitney industry itself, regardless of whether or not such actions are specifically covered in this article. It shall also be the direct responsibility of all departments to bring such actions to the notice of the licensing clerk.
    Transfer of license. It shall be unlawful for the holder of any license issued under this article to transfer the license to any person.
    False statements. It shall be unlawful for any person making application for any license or identification card to willfully make any false statement as to any of the matters required to be stated in such application. False statements are grounds to deny or revoke a license.
    It shall be unlawful to drive or operate any jitney while that jitney is carrying more than 20 passengers, as applicable, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 48:16-23. Each passenger must be seated while the jitney is in motion. Passengers must be treated with courtesy and respect; repeated complaints against owner-operators will be grounds for disciplinary action initiated by the Code Enforcement Officer or the North Wildwood Police Department. For purposes of this section, children in arms shall not be considered as passengers.
    It shall be unlawful for the owner-operator of any jitney to bypass any prospective customer when there is space available on the jitney. Any complaints concerning the bypassing of a prospective customer by a jitney owner-operator shall be processed and handled by the North Wildwood Police Department or the Code Enforcement Official.
    Additional rules and regulations. The City Council may also establish, by resolution, such additional rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to further the purposes of this article.
    Operation of jitneys. The following rules shall apply to the operation of jitneys:
    There shall be no smoking on jitneys.
    Only licensed jitney owner-operators can drive an authorized vehicle.
    Only a licensed jitney can be used on a prescribed jitney route.
    Unsanitary, inadequate, unclean, or unsafe jitneys will not be permitted to operate.
    It shall be illegal to use profanity or engage in physical violence either on jitneys or in areas on or near jitney stops.
    All accidents must be reported to the North Wildwood Police Department as soon as possible after the occurrence.
    Jitney owner-operators must notify the licensing clerk in accordance with § 420-9 when a change of license number or registration number occurs.
    The jitney license card must be displayed in accordance with the provisions of § 420-11.
    It shall be unlawful for any person operating a jitney for hire to drink intoxicating liquors or be under the influence of drugs of any kind while engaged in transporting passengers.
    Drivers must be neat and clean at all times. No shirts without collars are permitted. Bare feet are prohibited. Exterior tops and bottoms must be worn.
    If a jitney breaks down and is unable to continue, passengers must be refunded their fares in full.
    It shall be unlawful for any jitney to stop for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers within 10 feet from the intersection of streets.
    Each jitney shall be equipped with an operational security camera which shall be in use at all times during jitney operation. The security camera tape or other recording device shall be made available to the North Wildwood Police Department or other law enforcement agency upon request.