§ 418-82. Fees and hours.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Seasonal lots. Commencing on the 15th day of May and continuing through the last Sunday in October of each year, the City of North Wildwood shall charge a fee for parking in the hereinafter described City parking lots and the hours when parking fees are in effect and the fees in connection therewith are as follows:
    The City parking lot on the northeast corner of Old New Jersey Avenue and Spruce Avenue, which is designated on the Municipal Tax Map as Block 223, Lots 206 through 217, inclusive, shall provide metered parking from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. on the following day, and the parking meter fees and rates that are to be charged during the times when parking fees are in effect shall be established from time to time by resolution of City Council, and such fees and rates and the hours of operation shall be posted on each parking meter located within the parking lot.
    The City parking lot located at the southeast corner of First Avenue and Old New Jersey Avenue, which is designated on the Municipal Tax Map as Block 219, Lots 214 through 217, inclusive, shall be open to the general public for parking on such days and during such times as City Council may from time to time designate by resolution. During such times when such parking lot is open to the general public, a sign signifying that the parking lot is open to the general public shall be posted at each entrance to the parking lot. During such times when the parking lot is closed or during such times when parking in this parking lot is restricted to those persons attending special events at the Anglesea Fire Company, which is adjacent to this parking lot, appropriate signage shall be posted at each entrance to the parking lot. The parking fees that are to be charged during the times when parking fees are in effect shall be established from time to time by resolution of City Council, and such fees and rates shall be posted at each parking lot.
    The City parking lot located at the southwest corner of First Avenue and Surf Avenue, which is designated on the Municipal Tax Map as Block 281, Lots 1 and 3.01, shall provide parking for the general public. The parking fees that are to be charged during the time when parking fees are in effect shall be established from time to time by resolution of City Council, and the hours of operation of the parking lot and the times when parking fees are to be charged and the amount of the parking fees shall be posted at each entrance to this parking lot unless City Council, by resolution, determines that parking in this City parking lot shall be metered parking during the times when parking fees are in effect, in which case, the parking fees and the rates and the hours of operation shall be posted on each parking meter located within the parking lot.
    A portion of the tract of land owned by the City located immediately east of the 16th Avenue street end, and immediately east of Block 411, bounded by the end of the Boardwalk in the 16th Avenue street end on the south, and on the south side of 15th Avenue on the north, and the west side of the wood walkway on the east (being a portion of Lot 1 in Block 317.03 on the Tax Map of the City of North Wildwood) as depicted on the plan that is annexed hereto and which is made a part hereof shall be open and operational from 8:00 a.m. to 12:01 a.m. on the following day and the parking meter fees or machine rates that are to be charged during a time when parking fees are in effect shall be established from time to time by resolution of City Council and such fees and rates and the hours of operation shall be posted on each parking meter located within the parking lot. When open and operational this parking lot shall be staffed. Permit parking in this parking lot is prohibited. In order to reduce the possibility of this parking lot being used during hours when the lot is not open to the public, the North Wildwood Police Department is granted the authority to restrict access to this lot by locking all gates thereto at 1:00 a.m. each day and notice of this fact is to be given to the public by the posting of appropriate signage at all points of ingress and egress to this parking lot. No portion of the area that is shown on the annexed plan as being reserved or designated for recreational or playground purposes shall be used for parking.
    The City parking lot on the northeast corner of New Jersey Avenue and 17th Avenue, which is designated on the Municipal Tax Map as Block 204, Lot 13, shall provide parking for the general public and shall not be subject to metered parking. No person shall park a vehicle for longer than one hour on said parking lot.
    [Amended 7-7-2015 by Ord. No. 1681]
    Nonseasonal lot(s). (Reserved)
    Parking permits not valid. All parking permits that are issued by the City pursuant to any other section of this article or any section of any other article of this Code are not valid for parking in any of the City parking lots that are referred to in this article.
    Unlawful parking. As to each of the City parking lots that are referred to in this article, whenever parking fees are in effect, it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any vehicle to cause, allow, permit or suffer any such vehicle to be parked in a parking space without first having paid the applicable parking fee or to cause, allow, permit or suffer any such vehicle to remain parked in a parking space beyond the time covered by the parking fee that was paid by said owner or operator.
    Fines and penalties. Unless another penalty expressly is provided by New Jersey Statute, every person convicted of a violation of the provisions of this article or any supplement or amendment thereto shall be fined not more than $1,250 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both.
Amended 8-19-2008 by Ord. No. 1544