§ 379-9. Requirements for a site development stormwater plan.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Submission of site development stormwater plan.
    Whenever an applicant seeks municipal approval of a development subject to this chapter, the applicant shall submit all of the required components of the checklist for the site development stormwater plan at § 379-9C below as part of the submission of the applicant's application for subdivision or site plan approval.
    The applicant shall demonstrate that the project meets the standards set forth in this chapter.
    The applicant shall submit the appropriate number of copies of the materials listed in the checklist for site development stormwater plans in accordance with § 379-9C of this chapter.
    Site development stormwater plan approval. The applicant's site development project shall be reviewed as a part of the subdivision or site plan review process by the municipal board or official from which municipal approval is sought. That municipal board or official shall consult the engineer retained by the Planning and/or Zoning Board (as appropriate) to determine if all of the checklist requirements have been satisfied and to determine if the project meets the standards set forth in this chapter.
    Checklist requirements. The following information shall be required:
    Topographic base map. The reviewing engineer may require upstream tributary drainage system information as necessary. It is recommended that the topographic base map of the site be submitted which extends a minimum of 200 feet beyond the limits of the proposed development, at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet or greater, showing two-foot contour intervals. The map as appropriate may indicate the following: existing surface water drainage, shorelines, steep slopes, soils, erodible soils, perennial or intermittent streams that drain into or upstream of the Category One waters, wetlands and floodplains along with their appropriate buffer strips, marshlands and other wetlands, pervious or vegetative surfaces, existing man-made structures, roads, bearing and distances of property lines and significant natural and man-made features not otherwise shown.
    Environmental site analysis. A written and graphic description of the natural land man-made features of the site and its environs. This description should include a discussion of soil conditions, slopes, wetlands, waterways and vegetation on the site. Particular attention should be given to unique, unusual or environmentally sensitive features and to those that provide particular opportunities or constraints for development.
    Project description and site plan(s). A map (or maps) at the scale of the topographical base map indicating the location of existing and proposed buildings, roads, parking areas, utilities, structural facilities for stormwater management and sediment control and other permanent structures. The map(s) shall also clearly show areas where alterations occur in the natural terrain and cover, including lawns and other landscaping, and seasonal high ground water elevations. A written description of the site plan and justification of proposed changes in natural conditions may also be provided.
    Land use planning and source control plan. This plan shall provide a demonstration of how the goals and standards of §§ 379-3 through 379-6 are being met. The focus of this plan shall be to describe how the site is being developed to meet the objective of controlling groundwater recharge, stormwater quality and stormwater quantity problems at the source by land management and source controls whenever possible.
    Stormwater management facilities map. The following information, illustrated on a map of the same scale as the topographic base map, shall be included:
    Total area to be paved or built upon, proposed surface contours, land area to be occupied by the stormwater management facilities and the type of vegetation thereon and details of the proposed plan to control and dispose of stormwater.
    Details of all stormwater management facility designs, during and after construction, including discharge provisions, discharge capacity for each outlet at different levels of detention and emergency spillway provisions with maximum discharge capacity of each spillway.
    Comprehensive hydrologic and hydraulic design calculations for the pre-development and post-development conditions for the design storms specified in § 379-4 of this chapter.
    When the proposed stormwater management control measures (e.g., infiltration basins) depends on the hydrologic properties of soils, then a soils report shall be submitted. The soils report shall be based on on-site boring logs or soil pit profiles. The number and location of required soil borings or soil pits shall be determined based on what is needed to determine the suitability and distribution of soils present at the location of the control measure.
    Maintenance and repair plan. The design and planning of the stormwater management facility shall meet the maintenance requirements of § 379-10.
    Waiver from submission requirements. The municipal official or board reviewing an application under this chapter may, in consultation with the Municipal Engineer, waive submission of any of the requirements in § 379-9C(1) through (6) of this chapter when it can be demonstrated that the information requested is impossible to obtain or it would create a hardship on the applicant to obtain and its absence will not materially affect the review process.