§ 374-3. Suitable receptacles required.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Every person, householder, owner, occupant or proprietor of a hotel, motel, restaurant, boardinghouse, market, store, mercantile establishment or other place of habitation or commercial or residential operation shall provide, or cause to be provided, suitable receptacles for garbage and trash, which receptacles shall be rigid in construction and have a snug-fitting top and shall be placed at the location most convenient for collections, with said location to be fixed by the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee.
    The receptacles for garbage and trash shall be of rigid construction, have a snug-fitting top, be watertight and have suitable handles. The capacity shall not be less than four gallons nor more than 32 gallons, nor more than 50 pounds in weight when filled to capacity. A suitable number of such receptacles shall be provided by every owner, occupant or proprietor at each location. The receptacles shall be kept clean, and no rainwater or other liquid shall be allowed to enter the same. In addition, the garbage and trash may be further enclosed in a disposable bag.