§ 348-6. Sanitation requirements.  

Latest version.
  • All restaurants shall comply with all of the following items of sanitation:
    Floors. The floors of all rooms in which food or drink is stored, prepared or served or in which utensils are washed shall be of such construction as to be easily cleaned and shall be kept clean and in good repair.
    Walls and ceilings. The walls and ceilings of all rooms shall be kept clean and in good repair. In all places on walls where there is a likelihood of frequent contamination and soiling, the same shall have a lining of galvanized iron or other impervious material.
    Doors and windows. When flies are prevalent, all openings into the outer air shall be effectively screened and doors shall be self-closing, unless other effective means are provided to prevent entrance of flies.
    Toilet facilities. Every restaurant shall be provided with adequate and conveniently located toilet facilities for its employees and patrons. Toilet rooms shall be furnished with clean towels and soap and shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, well lighted and ventilated by a window or duct opening to the outer air.
    Cleaning of utensils and equipment.
    All equipment, including display cases or windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigerators, stoves, hoods and sinks, shall be kept clean and free from dust, dirt, insects and other contaminating material.
    All multi-use eating and cleaning utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned by immersing them in hot water which shall be continuously available during business hours of not less than 180º F., thermostatically controlled.
    Disposal of garbage and waste. Garbage and waste materials shall not be allowed to become a nuisance, but shall be placed in galvanized iron or other approved sanitary metal receptacles which are watertight, and they shall be kept covered with close-fitting lids. Garbage cans, after being emptied, shall be cleaned and effectively disinfected.
    Storage, display, and serving of food and drink. All food and drink shall be so stored, displayed and served as to be protected from dust, flies, vermin, depredation and pollution by rodents, unnecessary handling, droplet infection, overhead leakage and other contamination. No animals or fowl shall be kept or allowed in any room in which food or drink is prepared or stored. All means necessary for the elimination of flies, roaches and rodents shall be used.
    Cleanliness of employees. All employees shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at all times while engaged in handling food, drink, utensils or equipment. Employees shall not expectorate or use tobacco in any form in rooms in which food is prepared.
    Miscellaneous. The premises of all restaurants shall be kept clean and free of litter or rubbish. None of the operations connected with a restaurant shall be conducted in any room used as living or sleeping quarters. Adequate lockers or dressing rooms shall be provided for employees' clothing and shall be kept clean. Soiled linens, coats and aprons shall be kept in containers provided for this purpose.
    Rules and regulations. The Health Officer shall have the power to adopt such further rules and regulations as he may deem proper and necessary relative to the condition of any restaurant for the purpose of carrying out and putting into effect the terms and provisions of this chapter which, in his judgment and discretion, are necessary to promote and protect the health, lives and public welfare of the inhabitants of the city.