§ 348-2. Permit required; conditions; applications.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a restaurant in the City of North Wildwood, in the County of Cape May, who does not possess an unrevoked permit from the Health Officer and in whose place of business such permit is not posted in a conspicuous place. Only persons who comply with the requirements of this chapter shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit, which shall expire December 31 of that year.
    Application for such permit shall be made on a printed form to be furnished by the Health Officer.
    Upon the filing of any such application for a permit, the premises and places therein described shall be inspected by the Health Officer, who shall keep a permanent record of such inspection. If such premises and places are found upon such inspection to be in a sanitary condition and fit for the use of a restaurant as herein defined said Health Officer shall forthwith register such applicant in a proper record to be kept for that purpose, and a permit authorizing such applicant to conduct or operate such restaurant at the place designated in the application shall be issued; provided, however, that all existing and established restaurants at the time of the effective date of the within chapter shall be given such reasonable time as the Health Officer, in his discretion, may deem necessary in order to apply for and obtain such permit. All restaurants hereafter commenced or established shall apply for and obtain such permit prior to the opening of the same for business.
    Such permits shall not be transferable, and no permit issued hereunder shall entitle or authorize the holder thereof to carry on, engage in or conduct the business mentioned in said permit in any place or places other than that designated and set out in such permit. If any person having a permit shall change the location of his or its place of business, notice of such proposed change shall be given said Health Officer, and consent in writing received to conduct such business, at such new location, and no business shall be conducted or carried on at such new location until such consent has been received.
    All permits granted pursuant to the within chapter may, in the discretion of the Health Officer, be temporarily suspended by him, without notice, for the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or may be revoked by said Health Officer for the persistent, repeated or willful violation after proper notice and hearing.