§ 126-12. Soiling and defilement by dogs.  

Latest version.
  • Unless immediate cleanup and disposal is undertaken, no person owning, harboring, keeping, walking or in charge of any dog shall cause, suffer, permit or allow such dog to defecate on any common thoroughfare, street, sidewalk, passageway, road, bypath, play area, park or any place where people congregate or walk; or upon any boardwalk, beaches or beachfront in this city; or upon any public property whatsoever; or upon any private property, without the permission of the owner of the private property in the last instance. "Proper cleanup and disposal" shall mean that such person shall immediately remove all feces and droppings deposited by such dog, which removal shall be in a sanitary manner by shovel, container, disposal bag or some other similar device, and said feces and droppings shall be removed by said person from the aforesaid designated areas and disposed of by said person in a sanitary manner, so as to prevent any noxious odors, attraction of vermin or any other public health nuisance to neighbors. This section shall not apply to or be enforced against blind persons.
Added 2-16-1982 by Ord. No. 808