§ 37-6. Prohibited acts; disciplinary action.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The approval of the governing body of the City of North Wildwood of membership in the Volunteer Division may be suspended or revoked by the governing body of the City of North Wildwood for just cause after notification to such member and a hearing conducted by the governing body. No such hearing, however, shall be conducted by the governing body unless a disciplinary complaint against a member of the Volunteer Division has been referred to it by the governing body's Public Safety Committee with a recommendation for suspension or revocation of membership. The Public Safety Committee of the governing body shall not forward to the governing body a disciplinary complaint against a member of the Volunteer Division unless the complaint has been referred to it by the North Wildwood City Administrator with a recommendation for suspension or revocation of membership. The North Wildwood City Administrator shall not forward to the Public Safety Committee of the governing body a disciplinary complaint against a member of the Volunteer Division unless the complaint has been referred to the City Administrator by the North Wildwood Fire Chief with a recommendation for suspension or revocation of membership. Disciplinary complaints against members of the Volunteer Division for suspension or revocation of membership in the Volunteer Division may be made by any resident of the City of North Wildwood upon written complaint made to the North Wildwood Fire Chief who, immediately upon receipt of any such complaint, shall provide a copy thereof to the member against whom the complaint has been brought. Service of a copy of the complaint upon the member shall made either personally or by regular first-class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the member's address as it then appears on the records of the Volunteer Division.
    Just cause for suspension of membership or revocation of membership shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
    Willful damage to apparatus, equipment or any property of the City of North Wildwood.
    Willful damage or injury to the person or property of others.
    The unlawful taking or retention of property of the City of North Wildwood or of others.
    Willful disobedience or refusal to obey the lawful orders of the Fire Chief and/or other superior officers of the Fire Department while attending fires, participating in drills or performing other departmental duties.
    Being transported upon or using City equipment, attending fires, participating in drills or performing other departmental duties while intoxicated.
    Acting in a disorderly manner at fires, drills or any public gatherings.
    Committing an assault upon any fellow member or officer of the Fire Department or upon any other person.
    Conviction of a crime.
    Neglect of duty or long-continued failure to perform Fire Department duties or to render fire services to the City of North Wildwood.
    Unnecessary speeding or violation of laws pertaining to the driving and operation of personal motor vehicles while responding to an alarm or emergency on streets, highways or public places or upon private property.
    Unauthorized use of City owned apparatus or equipment or removal thereof from any fire station or permitting the same to be done by others.
    Making known the contents of any order or other information of a confidential or departmental nature other than to persons concerned therewith to whom the same may be directed.
    Conduct unbecoming or engaging in or assisting in the performance of any act which is prejudicial to or subversive of the good order and discipline of the City of North Wildwood Fire Department.
    Nothing contained in this subsection shall be deemed from prohibiting a member of the Volunteer Division from voluntarily accepting, at any stage of review, a membership suspension or removal recommendation that has been made pursuant to the provision of this subsection and, in the case of acceptance of a membership suspension or removal, the acceptance shall be reduced to a writing signed by the member accepting the membership suspension or revocation.
    The North Wildwood Fire Chief shall be vested with the authority to suspend or remove any member of the Volunteer Division for failing, for two consecutive calendar years, to maintain without good cause 40% attendance at all fire calls, incident calls and drills. Removal or suspension of a member of the Volunteer Division under this subsection by the North Wildwood Fire Chief shall not require referral of the matter to the North Wildwood City Administrator in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Subsection A. Upon the suspension or removal of a member of the Volunteer Division by the North Wildwood Fire Chief pursuant to this subsection a written report thereof shall be made by the North Wildwood Fire Chief to the Mayor and governing body of the City of North Wildwood with a copy to the City of North Wildwood City Administrator.