§ 37-4. Officer positions; powers and duties; qualifications.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Establishment; appointment; term.
    The positions of Battalion Chief, Captain and Lieutenants hereby are established, and each fire company in the Volunteer Division shall have one Battalion Chief, one Captain, one Lieutenant for each pumper and aerial apparatus and as many other Lieutenants as the North Wildwood Fire Chief, in his or her sole and absolute discretion, deems necessary for each fire company in the Volunteer Division.
    The members in good standing of each fire company in the Volunteer Division shall elect their respective Battalion Chief, Captain and Lieutenants and, upon such election, shall forward the names and qualifications of the elected candidates to the North Wildwood Fire Chief who then shall insure that the candidates meet all State of New Jersey requirements for the office to which the candidates were elected and, upon verification of qualifications, shall certify the election results in writing to the Mayor and governing body of the City of North Wildwood.
    Powers and duties. Subject to the authority and orders of the Fire Chief or, in his absence, the Deputy Fire Chief, Battalion Chiefs, Captains and Lieutenants shall have the following responsibilities and duties:
    To answer and to respond to alarms of fire and to aid in the extinguishment of fire.
    When so ordered, to respond to emergency calls and to render first aid and assistance to those in need thereof.
    To supervise and direct activities of members of the Fire Department while performing their duties in accordance with the Fire Department rules and regulations and standard operating procedures.
    To have charge of, over and direct the operation of fire apparatus, equipment and appliances in use by the Fire Department.
    To supervise and/or to conduct drills.
    In the absence of Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief, Battalion Chiefs are to supervise and direct the response of fire apparatus to alarms, the placement and operation of apparatus and equipment in accordance with the Fire Departments rules and regulations and standard operating procedures.
    Personally carry out or secure the enforcement of Fire Department rules and regulations and/or such orders as may be given by the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief and to carry out and secure the enforcement of such orders as may be given by the incident commander at the scene of an incident or drill in accordance with National Incident Management System ("NIMS") requirements.
    To perform other duties as directed by the Fire Chief or other officer in charge of the Fire Department in connection with the supervision of the Fire Department.
    Battalion Chiefs shall not perform any administrative work of the Fire Department unless specifically ordered to perform such administrative work by the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief.
    Qualifications. Volunteer Division Battalion Chiefs, Captains and Lieutenants shall be members in good standing of the fire companies that comprise the Volunteer Division and shall possess such training and experience as is required by the Fire Department's rules and regulations and by the State of New Jersey.