§ 33-12. Complaints.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The City of North Wildwood Ethical Standards Board, upon receipt of a signed written complaint by any person alleging that the conduct of any officer or employee of the City of North Wildwood serving the City is in conflict with the Code of Ethics or financial disclosure requirements, shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 30 days of receipt and initiate an investigation concerning the facts and circumstances set forth in the complaint.
    The Board shall make a determination as to whether the complaint is within its jurisdiction or frivolous or without any reasonable factual basis.
    If the Board shall conclude that the complaint is outside its jurisdiction, frivolous or without factual basis, it shall reduce that conclusion to writing and shall transmit a copy thereof to the complainant and to the officer or employee of the City of North Wildwood against whom the complaint was filed.
    If the Board shall conclude that the complaint is within its jurisdiction and has at least a minimal factual basis, the Board shall notify the officer or employee of the City of North Wildwood against whom the complaint was filed of the nature of the complaint and the facts and circumstances set forth therein.
    The officer or employee shall have the opportunity to present the Board with any statement or information concerning the complaint which he or she wishes.
    If the Board determines that a reasonable doubt exists as to whether the officer or employee of the City of North Wildwood is in conflict with the Municipal Code of Ethics or any financial disclosure requirements, the Board shall conduct a hearing concerning the possible violation and any other facts and circumstances which may have come to the attention of the Board with respect to the conduct of the officer or employee.
    The Board shall render a decision as to whether the conduct of the officer or employee is in conflict with the Code of Ethics or any financial disclosure requirements. This decision shall be made by no less than 2/3 of all members of the Board.
    If the Board determines that the officer or employee is in conflict with the code or any financial disclosure requirements, it may impose any penalties which it believes appropriate within the limits of this chapter.