§ 27-3. Board of Directors.  

Latest version.
  • The Board of Directors of the Enterprise Zone Development Corporation shall consist of 11 members, as follows:
    One member of the local government from each of the municipalities of Wildwood, North Wildwood, Wildwood Crest and West Wildwood each of whom shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors for one year beginning with the local government member from Wildwood. The local government member from each municipality, at the option of each municipality and as evidenced by a resolution of the governing body of municipality, shall be either the Mayor of the municipality or the Mayor's designee from the governing body of the municipality or a member of the governing body of the municipality as chosen by the affirmative vote of all of the members of the governing body of the municipality.
    One member from the business community of each of the four municipalities for a total of four members from the business community. The Mayor of each municipality shall appoint the business community member from his or her respective municipality with the advice and consent of the governing body of the municipality. Each member so appointed shall serve for a term of four years; however, the initial term of such member shall be staggered with the Wildwood Crest member serving an initial term of one year, the North Wildwood member serving an initial term of two years, and the Wildwood member serving an initial term of three years.
    Three members to be selected from community organizations in North Wildwood, Wildwood and Wildwood Crest. The Mayors of North Wildwood, Wildwood and Wildwood Crest each shall appoint one member from a community organization within their respective municipalities with the advice and consent of the respective governing bodies of each municipality. Each member so appointed shall serve for a term of three years; however, the initial term of such members shall be staggered with the Wildwood Crest member serving an initial term of one year and the North Wildwood member serving an initial term of two years.