§ A442-3. Burying of cables.  

Latest version.
  • The company may bury its local and through communications facilities, such as cables, conduit, manholes and associated equipment, fixtures, process equipment and appurtenances, within the right-of-way of the various public streets and ways and at such locations as shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties for said company's local and through lines and communications facilities. Underground conduits and associated facilities, as aforementioned, shall be placed at least 18 inches below the surface of said public streets and ways, and with the exception of lateral branches to curb poles and property lines and other facilities, the same shall generally not be constructed more than 10 feet from the curbline, unless obstructions make it necessary to deviate from such course or unless the parties mutually agree to another location. Manholes shall be located at such points along the line of underground conduits as may be necessary or convenient for placing, maintaining and operating the facilities, as aforementioned, which the company may from time to time use in connection with its underground conduit system and shall be so constructed as to conform to the cross-sectional and longitudinal grade of the surface so as not to interfere with the safety or convenience of persons or vehicles.